Monday, 10 October 2011

My name is Kendall Mcewan (yes, as in the mintcake and the place but spelt differently, and yes it's my first name not my last name, and yes it is spelt correctly and it can be spelt many variations, and yes, this joke has been done to death, if you wish to catch me off guard mention the Kendall battery, piercing needles or tobacco) and yes, my parents liked mintcake so much that they called me after it. My name gets a lot of talk about it.

I started off in a little spit of a village near the lovely land of Loughborough. I went through all the boring schools till I reached Burton college a few years a go. I studied Art and Design as a btec national diploma, and I specialised in Graphics as I've been naturally good at it since the beginning of GCSE. I got introduced to this course by my tutor Rich, we then had a £10 bet on if I liked the place or not, as it was so close to home I had already made judgement of it. However, I arrived and I was impressed which made it my first choice and I stood corrected. That £10 I gave my tutor went on coffee.

I aim quite high, cause I don't really know any other way to aim to be honest. I wish to get the top grade possibly on this course, and my dream job is like everyone else's on this course, a concept artist. However, I would happily settle for character designer, or creature designer. It's quite standard to understand the skills needed to obtain this job, obviously knowing and understanding the software and being able to draw and make everything come alive and tell a story within a single illustration. A good grasp on proportions and anatomy is needed as well. Basically, all I need is a lot of time spent on my skills to develop them further so they are at a much higher professional standard than they are now.

I know I came off as quite sarcastic in this, but I really did not mean to so I apologise for it now. I'm not that sarcastic, I just highly dislike talking about myself on a brand new blog where there is nothing else for people to grasp what my personality is like. Here have a smiley face for actually reading this :) have two actually :)

Currently listening to: Example.
I always do a currently listening to in my blogs cause it makes the entire blog seem a lot more personal if my music tastes are involved in such a way. Also, you can see where I get some of my inspiration from, or my influences.

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