and I need to blog about it. What better place to put it than in my game art blog, as that is exactly where the outcome of this magical hit of inspiration came from. Let me explain first.
I have always been a massive reader, since I was little. I read pretty much anything I could get my hands on, and it was not until I was older than I became more picky with my choices, but found that any book I picked up I could read till the end if I pressured myself enough to. There have been books when I have had to restart them several times to get through.
Now, someone close and dear to me, held a lot of influence over my reading about a two years a go. They introduced me to Philip Pullman and his dark materials trilogy, they introduced me to John Green (who I have recently fallen in love with cause I've only checked him out this January), Dan Brown (I did not take much interest in him until I became much more interested in religion). Likewise, I influenced them as well. But every time I see these authors names, or the characters illustrations or talks, or anything linking to the books and stories, my mind flutters back to that happy place which has long gone and died.
However, there was one book that I just could not get in to. Artemis Fowl. I received during this period the first four books of the series (there is eight, only seven released, but two years a go only six were released). After fuming at 3ds max, and trooping back to the home of the mother to get a change of environment to clear my head. I went for a bath to give myself a break. All of my beautiful books are shelved in an Kendall known order at university, and my not so much loved stories are at home. I picked up Artemis Fowl to take with me just to entertain me for half an hour, nothing more.
I've been reading for about forty minutes and I am already on sixty three. How could I have not loved this book two years a go? Okay, I was slightly younger, being seventeen, but I had read much heavier books than this, like Tolkien, Stephen King, Ian McEwan, or Charles Dickens, even Shakespeare. The writing style is clever, being easy and quick to read but not too draining on description, nor relying on simple chatter to get the story along. The story is quirky, and quick paced. The characters are solid and lovable, yet in that mist of knowing that no one is like them because it is impossible to know of anyone like them. You can relate to them but they still have that magic surrounding them.
I know this is a random post, but you will see in the future posts why this post is needed. Even if it does seem like a random babble of words flowing on your screen with a time stamp of 2:00am in the morning (I am an insomniac so I am up at the most unusual hours). I get the majority of my inspiration from books or music, and I have begun to believe that I would only find inspiration in my music. But now, I have fallen back in love with books and reading, which has boosted my inspiration meter.
Now, off to tackle 3ds max, and let it taunt me some more, before I conquer it and hopefully make a realistic old mill.
Also Artemis Fowl has been released as a Graphic novel, guess what I will be requesting when I get some cash in from my job at Christmas!
P.s. I need more images on my blog. Wall of texts are not attractive.
Listening to: Jack Johnson
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